Cleaning Up After A Fire: Four Things To Consider

Whether your home has been badly damaged by fire or the water used to put out the flames, you'll likely have some serious cleaning and rebuilding to do before your home is livable once again. Use this guide to walk you through some of the basics of cleaning up after a fire.

Rent A Portable Dumpster

You'll need some way to throw away damaged furniture, flooring, and personal items. A portable dumpster can be the ideal solution. Call your local dumpster rental company and let them know how large your home is and approximately how much you will need to throw away. This will help to determine how large of a dumpster you need and how often it might need to be emptied before your project is complete.

Identify Valuables And Important Personal Items

You may find that some of your valuables and personal items are safe from damage, so when it is safe to re-enter your home, begin looking for these items as you start throwing away damaged furnishings. If you used a fireproof safe or lock box, try to locate it so you can retrieve your important paperwork, such as birth certificates and insurance policies. Take care in removing items that are made from fabric, as the water the fire department used to extinguish the flames may have left your items susceptible to mold and mildew growth.

Throw Away Consumables

Between the fire and water in your home, your pantry items may have become damaged or contaminated. Items in your refrigerator may have spoiled due to lack of electricity, and extreme heat may have even damaged canned foods. It's a good idea to throw these items out and restock your kitchen from scratch. Extreme heat can also impact the quality of prescription medications, so contact your doctor or pharmacy to have them refilled. Ne sure to have your portable dumpster emptied if it becomes full from your consumables and damaged items.

Air Out Your Home

Your home may be flooded, and it may also still smell of smoke. Open up your windows and doors to being airing out and drying out your home. If electricity has been restored, consider renting heavy-duty blower fans to begin drying your floors, and consider using a dehumidifier in the bedrooms to keep the air fresh and to help remove additional moisture.

If the damage to your home is extensive, consider contacting a water or fire damage restoration company. You may find that you need to replace water-damaged flooring and drywall in addition to replacing your furnishings and other personal items.
