Do You Know When You Need To Have Your Septic Tank Pumped? Here’s How You Can Tell

Septic tanks require maintenance, and having your septic tank pumped occasionally represents a part of that maintenance. However, many property owners don't know when it's time to have their septic tanks pumped. Here's what you should know.

When Should You Have Your Septic Tank Pumped?

You may come across some information that says you should have your septic tank pumped once a year or once every three years. You can come across some other rules of thumb as well. In truth, there's no rule that encompasses all septic tanks. Factors that determine pumping frequency can include

  • the size of your tank;
  • how much water you keep in it;
  • whether you have a garbage disposal;
  • and how much you use your sewer system.

You should have your septic tank pumped when you need to have it pumped. One way to figure out the frequency is to start with a septic tank inspection. You can also do a little detective work.

What was the state of your septic system the last time you had it pumped? And how much time went by before you ordered that service? That can give you an indication of the time frame you should adhere to.

The manufacturer of your septic tank may also have information online about the best times to have your septic system pumped. Beyond that, you will start to see signs it's time to have your tank pumped.

Signs You Need Septic Tank Pumping

Knowing when you need your tank pumped isn't very difficult. Just look out for the signs that it's time. There's quite a few of them.

Sewage smells – A strong odor is one of the classic telltale signs of a septic system that requires pumping. You can catch whiffs of foul odors outside around the septic system, or indoors coming from your drains.

Pooling water around septic tank – A septic tank that needs pumping will often leak wastewater. It can start to pool around the area where the tank is located.

Noticeably greener grass around the tank – If a patch of grass around your septic tank looks very noticeably greener than the rest of your grass, then you should probably have the tank pumped. It can indicate the tank has reached capacity and is now leaking liquids.

Sewage backups – If wastewater starts to back into your home's pipes, then you have a serious issue on your hands. Cleanup will require a professional, on top of you needing a full septic system inspection and pumping.

While these signs can mean you need your septic tank pumped, you shouldn't wait until you see this signs before you decide. If you're absolutely unsure, then have a professional like those at inspect your septic system. That should give you a good place to start with figuring out how often you should have your septic system pumped.
